Artist Name
Rachita Misra

The British India Colonial Statues Series

Year Produced

Medium / Material

Size of Artwork
11 inches (2) and 4 inch (1)

Artwork Statement

“The name British-India was inspired by the bygone days of British colonial rule in India, an immensely rich but turbulent period that reflected how the British and Indians had influence over each other, sparking the East-meets-West culture.

The statues tell a tale of the devastating administration, business and loot of Britishers in India for 200 years. They show the condition of Indians and the various approaches taken by the British aristocrats to make it even worse. Britain’s conscious and deliberate bleeding of India is one the greatest crimes in history. The colonizers exploited India, ranging from the drain of national resources to Britain, the destruction of the Indian textile, steel-making and shipping industries, and the negative transformation of agriculture, including the devastating Bengal Famine. British raj’s era of looting the raw material from India and sending finished clothing from England forcing the Indian employees to pay and dress in the clothing designed in England is reflected in these statues.

The statues also represent the stark racism that existed during the colonisation phase via the black faces and white clothing. The postures of the statues show their pride in the rich culture and heritage yet the begging bowls are asking for compassion and love from the British empire. There is a sense of sadness in the face and hope to get what they are begging for.”

“英国-印度 这个名字的灵感来自于过去英国在印度殖民统治时丰富与动荡并存的时代。它反映出英国人和印度人如何相互影响,互相激发东西方文化。

这些雕像讲述了 200 年来英国人在印度进行的毁灭性的从行政到商业掠夺的故事。它们展示了当时印度人的状况以及英国贵族采取的各种方法使他们的情况变得更糟糕。英国蓄意的让印度流血是历史上最严重的罪行之一。殖民者剥削着印度体现在使它国家资源流失,对他的纺织、钢铁制造和航运业造成破坏,以及对农业的负面转变,还有毁灭性的孟加拉饥荒。这些雕像描绘了在那个由英国拉吉从印度掠夺原材料到英国制成并发送成品,迫使印度员工购买并穿着英国设计的服装的年代。
