Artist Name
Chua Boon Kee

Rekindle, Chinese Calligraphy Sculpture Series|

Year Produced

Medium / Material
Epoxy Mortar & Spray Paint

Size of Artwork
78 (H) x 25 (L) x 18 (D) cm

Artwork Statement

“《重新点燃》 , the Chinese theme title of this year’s annual show presented in the style of Chinese calligraphy sculpture.

This work illustrates the four Chinese characters of the theme “”重新点燃”” in Chinese cursive script. The spontaneity of a single brushstroke combining the characters into this 3-dimensional form, seemingly writing in the mid-air. Sculpted in epoxy mortar, surface finished in spray paint and sparkling powder.”

“《重新点燃》 是今年年度展的中文主题标题,以中国书法雕塑风格呈现。

本作品以草书“重新点燃”为主题的四个汉字来创作。 单笔的自发性,将字体组合成这种立体的形式,仿佛在半空中书写。 用环氧树脂砂浆雕刻,表面用喷漆和光粉完成。”