Chiew Sien Kuan
Born in Singapore, 11 Jul 1965
Chiew’s drawings and paintings are personal commentaries on the issues of modernity and rapid urbanisation that affect people’s sense of being, creating altered states of mind. His work is preoccupied with issues of environmentalism, renewal, loss of urban spaces, economic progress and technological development that have inevitably influenced and changed people’s sense of reality. Chiew’s paintings reflection of subconscious minds that are in constant flux, reacting to these changes around us. With broad confident strokes, Chiew draws and paints exuberantly on paper, demonstrating a unique sense of freedom and free-spiritedness in his style of painting. His sculptures are characterised by the use of found objects sourced over a period of time sometimes 10 – 15 years. By formalising the accidental, he probes into the subconscious mind enticing the viewer to re-think and re-examine the subject matter in the work. The seemingly random assemblage of materials may not seem finished, it is constantly a work in progress.
赵善君的素描和绘画是他个人对现代化和快速城市化问题的探讨,现代城市化如何影响人们的生活意识,改变了我们对创造未来梦想的心态。他的创作重点是关注环境的变迁与更新,城市空间的流失,及经济进步和科术发展等所带来的问题,它在不知不觉中影响和改变了人们对真实的一种认知。 赵善君的画作反映了他逃离真实进入到不断变化的潜意识中,对我们周围环境的这些变化作出了相对的反应。赵善君在纸上挥洒自如的绘画和涂色中寻找自信,展现出独特的自由绘画风格。然而,赵善君的雕塑的创作特点却是使用累积了一段时间的物件内找寻记忆,有时物件之间相隔长达10 – 15年之久。他再通过形式的构成中偶遇发现, 尝试引导观众去重新思考和重新审视作品中潜在意识的主题。他的雕塑似乎看似随机和未经修饰的材料组合,在不断的探索中进行着。
Educational Qualifications
2007-2008 Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE), Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, Singapore.
2005-2006 MFAD, University of Tasmania, Launceston
1994 BFA, University of Tasmania. Hobart
1986-1989 Diploma in Fine Art, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts.
2019 Solo Exhibition – 心灵切慕 “Soul Yield”, Lim Hak Tai Gallery, NAFA, Singapore
2018 Group Exhibition – ‘Motionless Boundary’, Da Xin Private Museum, Tainan, Taiwan, 10 Nov – 10 Dec
2018 Group Exhibition – ‘Motionless Boundary’, Element Art Space, Singapore, 07 July – 12 August 2018
2018 Painters, Nagata Private Museum, Onomichi, Japan